Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wish You Were Here: Vitus Wight + Lucy Niles and the Mouth Breathers + DGB + Flying Fortress

It was a slow night at Ducky’s when a few unfamiliar faces drifted in through the doors of the establishment. In Sackville, when you don’t recognize someone and they’ve got that road-travelled look about them, it’s almost safe to assume that they’re musicians passing through town. It wasn’t too long after they arrived that we got into a discussion on music they informed me that they played in a band called The DGB from Ontario and were playing at 15 Alison the next evening. I hadn’t been to a house show in a while, so I was already looking forward to this show, and even more so after meeting a few of the guys playing. So, early on a Wednesday night, after doctoring up some Bridge Street Cafe coffee and hot apple cider my friend Yogi and I made our way over to the basement show. 
Vitus Wight was up first and was already singing vagabond philosophies strait from the road as we arrived.

Lucy Niles took the the stage, and I was pretty psyched to see her, having missed her debut last month. She was my favourite! Shouting quirky lyrics and rocking fast paced guitars and even throwing in a theatrical kick or two. She was accompanied on drums by her Mouth Breather(s) Nic Wilson.

Quick Line-up change!

After heading over to Ducky’s for quick a cup of wine, my friend and I were surprised to return and find that there had been a last minute location change to the upstairs living room. The metal band Flying Fortress was playing fast and hard. Now, I’m sure you’ll be surprised to hear that metal isn’t really my thing- but I can appreciate the technical skill that goes into the music, and these guys were pretty masterful …if only ever so smelly.  But that probably just compliments their look?

 The DGB were the last to take the floor, and they even came prepared with their own light show! More people had drifted into the house and filled the adjoining room as the trio blasted out dude-rock anthems to entertain all.

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